Monday, January 14, 2013

The Beginnings

So for the first 22 years of my life, I have traditionally been labeled young or idealistic, or even sometimes both. Those can be the marks of death, especially when you have an idea. The combination is hardly ever good, unless you want to blog or brainstorm. So I decided to blog. I have tried in the past but always get burnt out because I try to post everyday, so this time I'm not, I'm simply going to blog when I have something to say.

Over time, I have learned the rules to blogging that make a good blog or a pointless one. 

  1. Only blog when you have something to say. Too many people get caught up in mindless fodder just to fill the page.
  2. Keep it simple and short. Nobody in the Twitter generation wants to read 20 paragraphs when they can read 20 sentences.
  3. Stories not stats. Don't build an entire post around numbers but rather people
I am sure over time I will have more rules to guide this blog but here it goes. The ultimate blog from a Christian college student, with retail and church working experiences. Should provide some diverse and wild posts.


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